
Your Constitutional Rights

CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS Una versión en español se puede encontrar aquí. A person accused of a crime enjoys a number of basic constitutional rights. The most common of these, in the context of criminal matters, are set forth below. Counsel: You have the right to be represented by an attorney. If…
Pacific Legal GroupMay 31, 2022

Consequences of a Guilty Verdict

Guilty Verdict  Consequences: The consequences of being found guilty at trial—or pleading guilty—can be severe including incarceration, fines, and other sanctions. In Utah, these consequences vary according to the degree of the crime. Felonies are much more serious than misdemeanors or infractions. When reviewing these consequences, keep in mind that…
Pacific Legal GroupMay 31, 2022

Sus Derechos Constitucionales

¿Cuáles son mis Derechos Constitucionales? Una persona acusada de un delito disfruta de una serie de derechos constitucionales básicos. Los más comunes de éstos, en el contexto de los asuntos penales, se exponen a continuación.   Abogado:  Tiene derecho a ser representado por un abogado. Si no puede pagar un abogado,…
Pacific Legal GroupMay 31, 2022

Common Things People Forget in Their Estate Plan

Estate Lawyer Creating an estate plan may not be the most exciting task, it is certainly an important one. It ensures that your final wishes are carried out and that your assets go to the right people when you die. With that being said, here are some common things that…
Pacific Legal GroupMay 30, 2022

Can You Use a Trust Instead of a Will?

Can You Use a Trust Instead of a Will? If you have never constructed an estate plan, you may be wondering which documents you’ll absolutely need to have in place in order to cover your most critical bases. If you are a parent of minor children, you’ll need to designate…
Pacific Legal GroupMay 27, 2022

Utah’s Indeterminate Sentencing

Indeterminate Sentencing, Utah Most people assume that a judge will sentence an offender to a specific, determinate sentence such as “twelve years in the state prison.” An offender would then know exactly how much time they were going to serve and when they would be released. Utah does not do…
Pacific Legal GroupMay 25, 2022

Five Common Myths Around Estate Planning

Five Common Myths Around Estate Planning Estate planning can benefit almost anyone. You may have a lot of questions about the best way to divide up your assets, what kind of health care requests you can make, and whether you can legally ensure that your children are taken care of…
Pacific Legal GroupMay 24, 2022

Determining Who Is At Fault in a T-Bone Accident

T-Bone Accident Attorney A T-bone accident, also referred to as a side impact collision, is one of the most dangerous types of car accidents in Arizona. These accidents can result in traumatic brain injuries and other life-threatening injuries. If you suffer injuries in a T-bone accident, seek immediate medical attention.…
Pacific Legal GroupMay 12, 2022

Sex Offenses in Utah

Utah Sex Offenses Utah has some of the strictest laws in the nation regarding sexual offenses. For example, the minimum mandatory terms for imprisonment regarding certain sexual offenses against children (“Jessica’s Law”; see below) is 25 years in State prison. Further, a court may impose consecutive sentences upon a defendant…
Pacific Legal GroupMay 3, 2022

Qualities Only The Best Lawyers Have

What makes a lawyer great? Is it their background, good communication, or ability to influence a verdict? Maybe it’s all of the above. Of course, every lawyer has to obtain a certain level of education and experience in order to practice law and make a difference in their clients' cases.…
Pacific Legal GroupMay 3, 2022