How Should I Handle My DUI Case?

A DUI conviction changes your life. You can lose your driver’s license, serve jail time, pay a hefty fine, have your car insurance premiums increased, etc. But your life is not over. There is help available.

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How Should I Handle My DUI Case? Know your rights. Watch Video Below.

Having hope means knowing that your case has a chance, that your life has a chance, that you still have a chance. An experienced lawyer can help you navigate this process while you rebuild your life.

Understanding DUI Laws In Utah

In the state of Utah, impaired driving is deemed a serious offense. If you are apprehended while driving under the influence, you could potentially face stringent penalties such as hefty fines, jail time, and suspension of your driving license. The Pacific Legal Group, a reputable firm in Utah, has expertise in handling such cases.

Interpreting Impaired Driving

Impaired driving, also known as a DUI, is a criminal violation involving the operation of a motor vehicle while influenced by alcohol or narcotics. In Utah, the established legal threshold for blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08%. Consequently, if your BAC is at this level or above, you could be charged with impaired driving.

The Ramifications of A DUI

The repercussions for DUI in Utah can vary, largely based on the nature and severity of the violation. If you’re facing a first-time DUI conviction, the potential penalties might include:

  • A maximum fine of $1,000
  • Up to 180 days in jail
  • Suspension of your driving license for up to a year

The penalties intensify for a second conviction:

  • A fine that can reach up to $2,500
  • A jail sentence of up to 1 year
  • Suspension of your driving privileges for up to two years

For a third or subsequent DUI conviction, the penalties are most severe:

  • A fine that could total $5,000
  • A jail sentence of up to five years
  • Suspension of your driving privileges for up to three years

Potential Defenses Against A DUI Charge

When you’re faced with DUI charges, a number of defenses might be accessible to you. Some common defenses often employed by a skilled Utah DUI lawyer include:

  • Insufficient probable cause for the initial stop by the officer
  • The arresting officer’s lack of proper equipment to gauge your BAC accurately
  • A claim that you weren’t under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of arrest
  • The argument that you weren’t the one operating the vehicle

If you find yourself facing such charges, contacting a Utah DUI lawyer like those at the Pacific Legal Group is a crucial first step. Their experienced legal team can elucidate your rights, evaluate potential defenses, and represent you in court proceedings.

How To Avoid A DUI Charge

  • Make a commitment never to drink and drive.
  • Appoint a sober designated driver if you intend to consume alcohol.
  • Ensure that you eat and hydrate before and while you’re drinking.
  • Understand your tolerance levels and avoid drinking beyond your limit.
  • Secure alternate transportation if you feel too intoxicated to drive, such as calling a taxi or a sober friend.

Facing an impaired driving charge can have a severe impact on your life. Should you find yourself in such a situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to a Utah DUI lawyer as soon as possible. The experienced professionals at the Pacific Legal Group are ready to help.

Get Experienced Help

Most criminal cases do not go to a trial, felony charges do not always result in felony convictions, and misdemeanor charges do not always result in jail time. An experienced attorney can help you mitigate the consequences.

It is important to know that you have options. An experienced criminal lawyer can analyze your case, explain the strengths and weaknesses of your case, and explore the legal defenses available. Should you take your case to trial or should your attorney negotiate with the prosecutor for an acceptable result?

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Free Book | DUI Next Steps

Rob Avery wrote the book explaining DUI laws in Utah. Get a free copy here.

This short book is intended for anyone who has been arrested for driving under the influence in Utah. It covers the process from the time of your arrest to your first appearance before a judge. It is meant to encourage the reader to make wise decisions that will, hopefully, reduce the long-term consequences of such an arrest.

Our out-of-state client was arrested for DUI in Utah. The evidence against him was both compelling and strong. We negotiated a Plea in Abeyance to a lesser charge and the client was able to resolve all of the legal issues without having to return to Utah and without serving any jail time. The case was dismissed after six months and our client's payment of a court fee.

Case Dismissed

A neighbor saw our client parked in the driveway and asleep in his car. She became concerned and called the police who charged him with driving under the influence. We showed the jury how our client was not in control of the vehicle. NOT GUILTY!

Jury Trial Acquittal

Our client was arrested for his fifth DUI in less than ten years and charged with a Third Degree Felony. The State had strong evidence and our client had a very poor criminal record but we were able to negotiate a result that avoided a prison sentence.

No Prison Time

Our client was stopped at a DUI checkpoint and failed several field sobriety tests. After challenging the State’s evidence – including poorly obtained blood samples – we obtained a complete dismissal of all charges.

Case Dismissed

Our client was pulled over for "crossing the fog line” and failed several field sobriety tests. After retesting the blood samples, we received a favorable result at the Driver's License Division hearing and ultimately obtained a complete dismissal of the DUI charge.

Case Dismissed

Our client was arrested for his second DUI charge only a few years after his first DUI conviction. The evidence against him - including his admission of excessive drinking to the arresting officers - was strong but we were able to negotiate a result that included no jail sentence.

No Jail Time


Learn More about your options in regards to your DUI defense. To get a free 1 on 1 DUI consultation Click Here.

What do I need to do to fix this?

Can I just represent myself in this case?

They got me. What’s the point of hiring a lawyer?

Schedule a Free DUI consultation to learn the best way to handle your DUI case.

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