Personal Injury Lawyer

If you or a loved one have experienced an accident or injury recently, it would be in your best interest to contact a personal injury lawyer clients trust to pursue justice and compensation. There seems to be some confusion surrounding personal injury, and what the legal process of pursuing compensation is like. The following is intended to clarify by demystifying some popular myths regarding accidents and injuries, and the work that personal injury lawyers do for their clients.

Upon receiving an injury due to an accident, or other situation medical attention is not always needed and should be dependent upon how the victim feels. This myth could be potentially dangerous and life-threatening to those who refuse medical attention following an accident. While most victims are able to assess their pain level and physical injuries there are other injuries that are serious, and may not be able to be seen or felt right away. Concussions and internal bleeding are two examples of injuries that may harm an individual without them knowing. For these reasons, personal injury lawyers strongly advise their clients to seek a thorough medical evaluation from a medical professional as soon as possible following an accident. Adrenaline often masks pain, and injury during the stress and trauma of an accident or event. An injured victim may not fully realize the extent of their injuries until their adrenaline has worn off, and they are able to think rationally again. Medical evaluations also act as important evidence in a victim’s case and may help them gain more compensation. 

Personal injury lawyers are only interested in their share of the money and do not look out for their client’s best interests. This statement could not be further from the truth for the law office of Barry P. Goldberg as they strive to provide the best legal representation for their clients. Advocating on behalf of their clients, fighting for justice, and the highest compensation available is of the utmost importance for personal injury lawyers. Experienced attorneys understand that their clients are dealing with a lot following an accident or traumatic event. They desire for their clients to focus on what is truly important, their physical, mental, and emotional health. By providing legal advice, gathering evidence, and filing lawsuits, skilled personal injury lawyers allow their clients peace of mind knowing that their case is being taken care of, and the capacity to devote time and energy to their own healing.  

Compensation is only available for physical injuries sustained in an accident. An accident or traumatic event can cause physical harm, as well as emotional and mental injury as well for the victims involved. Depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, otherwise referred to as PTSD are all common following an accident or severe injury. The toll that these have on an individual can be catastrophic and debilitating. Victims should seek professional help from a licensed therapist for any emotional and mental distress they may be experiencing. Compensation should account for all types of injuries, including those not physically seen such as mental and emotional pain. Contact a personal injury lawyer today for a risk-free consultation and start your journey toward justice and compensation today. 

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